ECGC Code of Conduct and Health & Safety

In the event of an emergency on the course, dial 01753 370102 - Please add this number to your phone contacts.

Dear Member,

It is essential that all members read the information below. Thank you.

Peter McKee (ECGC Chairman)

a) The golf course status is set by the Ground Staff; it is updated on the club website and Members’ Hub. NO play is permitted when the course is closed.
b) Divots must be replaced (except on teeing grounds where they should be covered with sand/seed mixture from the green containers). Replacing divots is especially important on the practice ground.
c) Pitch marks must be repaired on greens, bunkers must be smoothed over after play and please leave rakes IN the bunkers.
d) No practice is permitted except on the practice green and practice hole (adjacent to the 7th & 9th fairways).
e) The putting green is for putting only. No pitching onto, or from, the putting green is allowed.

a) Take care when walking on the road between the car park and the entrance gate – cars/cyclists may not be expecting to find pedestrians in the roadway.
b) Never strike a golf ball if there is a chance it might hit someone. Take particular care where tees are located close to greens. If you think a ball might hit someone, shout ‘FORE’ loudly.
c) No ball may be struck on the 1st and 2nd holes while a train is passing.
d) Any ball struck onto or over the railway line must NOT be retrieved.
e) No swimming or paddling is permitted in the pond (on the 6th fairway) or in the Willowbrook.
f) Never play when thunder or lightning is occurring/expected.
g) Never lick golf balls as a means of cleaning – balls can be contaminated by chemicals applied to the course.
h) Never challenge trespassers on the course - seek assistance from Security using the yellow emergency telephone located at the Clubhouse or use the above number from a mobile phone.
i) During high winds players should be vigilant playing the 2nd, 4th, and 8th greens, as tree debris could fall in these areas.
j) Members should note that the nearest first-aid kit is in the Club House, and the nearest defibrillator is
with the College Security Team. Please use the Emergency telephone on the wall beside the clubhouse doorway to contact Security.

a) All players should be considerate of others on the course, regardless of the number of players in a group.
b) Please avoid slow play; if any match loses more than a hole on those in the front, the match behind should be called through.
c) On no account may balls be driven if the match in front is still in range.
d) At the first tee, matches starting and matches playing their 2nd 9 holes, should alternate. Players should not start mid-course if, in doing so, they delay matches already on the course.
e) Practice putts should not be made after holing out when another match is waiting to play to the green.
f) Golf bags/trolleys should not be taken onto tees, greens or into the bunkers.
g) Every player must have a golf bag and clubs for their own use on the course. You cannot share these with another player.

There is no place in golf for any form of discrimination.
The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Framework is built on three key pillars:
• Everyone is treated fairly so they may enjoy all aspects of golf (Equality)
• Everyone is recognised and can see themselves and be seen in golf (Diversity)
• Everyone is welcomed and feels that they belong in golf (Inclusion)

a) All members (except College students) and their guests should have a booking before commencing play. This includes the practice ground areas.
b) When booking a tee time members can set the deny/allow facility for other golfers to join their booking. If a group has not done this and another member joins their tee time, they are expected to welcome the player to join their group.
c) When booking Medal & Stableford tee times, please remember these are for 3-ball or 2-ball playing groups only.

a) All members must display their membership disc with the current year sticker on their golf bag.
b) A member may only introduce 3 guests in any one day. A member must always play with, or accompany, their guest(s). A member is responsible for the conduct of their guest(s) and should ensure that they follow these rules.

a) The Rules of Golf, as laid down by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club at St Andrews, will always apply.
b) Local rules are listed on the reverse of the score card. Please note the current cards do not reference the red marker posts around the pond, indicating that it is a lateral water hazard.
c) In exceptional circumstances it could be necessary to add temporary local rules which will be listed in the clubhouse and communicated to the membership.
d) Members must not write on Club notices except when sign-up or nomination forms have been
posted for members to use.

a) Hours of play, details of College Terms and Club matches are published on the times sheet which is displayed on the Club house notice board and available on the Members’ Hub.
b) The Club does not wish to preclude children or dogs accompanying members whilst playing the course, but such members are responsible for their safety and control and must ensure that the speed of play is not affected to the annoyance of others.

a) Members are reminded that all College grounds and buildings are private property.
b) NOISE: Out of respect for the residents and other golfers please keep noise to a minimum in and around the Club House and car park.
c) Cars parked on College property are left entirely at the owner’s risk. Do not leave valuables in cars.
d) Please refrain from entering the course over the fence. Use the Common Lane entrance gate instead.

a) All golfers (except College students) must wear recognised golf attire and adhere to the Dress Code attached and displayed in the clubhouse.

The Committee
May 2023